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Swacch Bharat Abhiyan

9th November,2014 marked a great day with young and enthusiastic youth initiating a cleanliness campaign in our campus of SRM University,Kattankulathur. The whole 4ze Racing team, including all the domains initiated the campaign as a part of the nationwide ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan’ launched by the Prime Minister of the country Mr.Narendra Modi on Gandhi Jayanti.


The team members cleaned the food court in the campus and the nearby areas. Garbage, dried waste, debris and other waste materials were removed. The polythene, scattered papers and other waste materials were also picked up and the team members made sure that they picked up wastes keeping hygiene in mind i.e. they were wearing plastic gloves.


Like it is said ‘Charity beings at home’ , cleanliness begins from our work place so it was also made sure that our work place, the Fabrication Bay and the nearby areas were cleaned. Towards the end, the team took an oath that they will come together as a team often and keep contributing towards the wellness of the society by frequently cleaning the campaign and being a part of ‘Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan’.

Pledge to Drive Safe

The first CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) event of the year was organized during the National level techno management fest of SRM University, Aaruush, where more than thousands of students from various colleges and defence personnel pledged to drive safe. The event was organized in order to promote safe driving amongst everyone, especially the youth. The objective of our team is to promote eco-friendly vehicles, concentrating more on social impacts than the commercial aspects of the team.

People shared their emotions and their expressions through a note and their signatures on a customized board. They even shared their good and bad experiences related to driving. The event went on for the whole day and later in the more number of people turned up to pledge for safe driving.

Also, the team involved themselves and promoted the cause in a stunt show which was organized on the occasion of Aaruush as safety is a must for the stunt performers.

NAAC Visit

Fabrication of RIO



4ze Racing,Center of Automotive Excellence, SRM University                                                                   Website Deigned by: Aditya

Chennai, Tamil Nadu , India.

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© 2014 by 4zeRacing,SRM Univeristy                                                                                                                                              



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